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Venus elongation measurements for the Transit of Venus
Dr. N. Rathnasree, Director, Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi, India, le 18/05/04

4°) Acknowledgements and references

Group discussions at particularly from Nirupama Raghavan and Dr. Bhudia. Acknowledgements to Patrick Das Gupta, Amitabh Mukherjee and Mike Simmons for many helpful comments and discussions, to Mark Hodson, Father Rob Bovendeaard and Anne-Marie Chanet - for translations of French and German references to the Jantar Mantar and finally, to the entire staff of Nehru Planetarium, New Delhi for their wonderful team work during observations at the Jantar Mantar. Acknowledgements to the staff of Archeological Survey of India for the co-operation given during observations at the Jantar Mantar.

Sincere thanks to Agnes Bugin and Sebastien Collignon of Futura Sciences for help with editing and presenting this article at

  • References

  • 1. Preparing for the Transit of Venus, N. Rathnasree and Sanath Kumar, Resonance Volume 9, Number 3, March 2004.

    2. The Astronomical Observatories of Jai Singh, G. R. Kaye, Published by the Archeological Survey of India, 1910.

    3. Programme for the restoration of the masonry instruments at Delhi Jantar Mantar – G.S.D. Babu and V. R. Venu Gopal, Bull. Astr. Soc. Of India., 1993 Vol. 21, 481 B.

    4. Sawai Jai Singh and his Astronomy, Virendra Nath Sharma, 1995, Motilal Banarsidas Pvt. Limited.

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